Monday, September 30, 2019
Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis Accounting Essay
Cash basis accounting and the accrual basis accounting are two accounting methods used to keep track of a businessââ¬â¢s income and expenses. In accrual basis accounting, revenue is recorded as it is earned and expenses are recorded when they generate revenue. Under cash basis accounting, only transactions involving increases or decreases of the entityââ¬â¢s cash are recorded. One of the major differences is the reporting of net income and net cash flows from operations. The cash basis is the more commonly used method of accounting by individuals and small businesses with sales of less than $5 million per year whereas accrual basis is used by large companies and is required of corporations whose stock is publicly traded. With accrual basis accounting being more complex, it provides more financial information about a company, therefore, providing more meaningful financial reports. Cash basis accounting is the simple method. It provides a more accurate picture of how much actual cash your business has because it only deals with cash transactions. Companies record transaction when they have an increase or decrease of cash. However, this doesnââ¬â¢t give you a clear picture of a companyââ¬â¢s operations and financial performance. In summary, the difference is the timing when transactions, including sales and purchases, are credited or debited to your account. If your business is simple, then cash basis will do, but accrual basis provides the ââ¬Å"bigâ⬠picture of business operations.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Integrating Facebook In Teaching And Learning Education Essay
In this information age people are interacting with a assortment of new engineerings that people in different places try to utilize them to ease their occupations and come up with good consequences. Educators are besides be givening to utilize those engineering tools for more effectual instruction and acquisition by prosecuting and actuating scholars in the acquisition procedure. One of those technological tools is societal networking web sites. Among societal networking web sites facebook is the most popular one which has sucked a immense sum of young person to utilize it for communicating and practical societal interaction. As a effect, many instructors are trying to do a usage of facebook to better the larning out comes and do the acquisition more interesting to the scholars sing to the young person battle in the facebook use and the monolithic sum of clip which they spend in this practical environment. On the other manus, it is important for the pedagogues to cognize which type o f larning manner can profit more from utilizing this sort of engineering or whether there is a large difference in willingness of different acquisition manners for disbursement clip in facebook or non. Facebook is the most used societal web by worldwide active users which was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004 as Harvard-only societal web site. This societal web web site was able to pull a immense sum of users specially youth in a short period of clip. Right now it has more than 500 million active users around the universe. Actually, Facebook is defined as ââ¬Å" a societal public-service corporation that helps people portion information and communicate more expeditiously with their friends, household, and coworkers â⬠( ) . Although at first facebook was launched as Harvard societal web but developed to affect and prosecute other high school pupils, professionals inside corporate webs, and finally everyone who have entree to the on-line universe ( Cassidy, 2006 ) . Facebook allows users to make a personal profile while leting for information sharing, communicating, exposure albums, making a friends list, organizing or using to societal involvement groups, and different sorts of on-line games. In drumhead, Facebook members can portion their exposures, send messages, chat, tag themselves or others on exposures, write on friends ââ¬Ë walls, articulation groups, create new groups, portion thoughts in group treatments, add sorts of applications, and play games in Facebook. Facebook has been accessed by 1000000s of users in a short clip while going a portion of users ââ¬Ë day-to-day lives ( Ellison, Steinfield, & A ; Lampe, 2007 ; Selwyn, 2007a ) . Some maps and capablenesss of facebook such as enabling equal feedback, goodness of tantrum with societal context, and interaction tools make facebook an educational tool ( Mason, 2006 ) . Learning Manners The impression of larning manners is all about the ways which a scholar prefers to utilize when he/she is larning and retrieving new cognition ( Funda Dag & A ; Aynur Gecer, 2009 ) . Furthermore, Simsek ( 2001 ) stated that larning manner is a group of factors which determines how the pupils psychologically perceive, interact and response to larning environments. Harmonizing to Felder ( 1996 ) , every scholar prefers to larn otherwise. Some scholars can larn in an synergistic relationship with their friends and instructors and sing things by themselves, the others learn with a ocular presence of stuffs and information, and some scholars prefer to do usage of written stuffs and they agree that verbal accounts are more helpful to them. Therefore cognizing about the acquisition manners of the scholars is of import either for pedagogues or scholars. It could be utile for instructors because they will acquire a clear thought about how to learn persons with different larning penchants and besides it would be effectual for scholars to cognize how they learn better and easier. Indeed, there are some popular theoretical accounts to categorise larning manners such as ; David kolb ââ¬Ës theoretical account, Honey and mumford ââ¬Ës theoretical account, Anthony Gregorc ââ¬Ës theoretical account, Sudbury theoretical account of democratic instruction, and Fleming ââ¬Ës VAK/VARK theoretical account of larning manners. For the purpose of this survey Fleming ââ¬Ës VAK/VARK study was used to research different larning manners of research participants and see how different acquisition manners spend clip in facebook. VARK study tool was created in 1998 to research persons ââ¬Ë different acquisition manners. Alkhasawneh, Mrayyan, Docherty, Alashram, Yousef, ( 2007 ) , described ; ââ¬Å" aÃâ à ¦VARK is based upon cognitive development work by Bruner ( 1967 ) and Piaget ( 1990 ) who argued that worlds assimilate environmental cognition through four centripetal modes: ocular, aural, reading and composing, and kinaesthetic ( utilizing tactile centripetal abilities such as a odor and touch ) . VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic ( Fleming, 2004 ) . VARK is an instrument that is speedy and easy for pupils to utilize and understand. It creates an consciousness of larning manners and provides motive to seek betterments in their acquisition penchant. â⬠MethodInstrument Data is collected by administrating an online and manual study. The study is consists of two subdivisions, the first subdivision leads participants to an on-line VARK questionnaire ( http: // p=quetionnaire ) . Students are required to describe their tonss in an online VARK acquisition manners questionnaire in the manual questionnaire. The 2nd portion of the manual questionnaire consists of two parts. In the first portion, participants were required to reply five demographic inquiries include of their name, age, electronic mail reference, gender, facebook ID. Furthermore, the topographic point where they have normally entree to the Internet, length of clip spent online in facebook, and their rank in any academic group were collected. The 2nd portion, 5-point Likert graduated table with 6 inquiries, was measured participants ââ¬Ë clip spent for different activities in facebook. These six inquiries were developed by research worker based on different maps exist in facebook and different activities that a facebook user is able to make. Participants Data was collected from 36 signifier four Malayan Chinese pupils ( 14 Male and22 female ) from SMJK Kwang Hua School in province of Selangor, Kelang. The whole of participants are at the age of 16 old ages old. Two pupils of these 36 are non facebook users. The questionnaires were distributed among pupils and they were expected to make full up them at place sing to their entree to the Internet at place to make full up larning manners questionnaire.Date analysis and consequencesLearning manners:Learning MannersOcularAuralRead/WriteKinestheticEntireMaleFemaleFrequency88614361422Table1: Frequency of each learning manner among participants Harmonizing to pupils ââ¬Ë studies on their acquisition manners tonss, among 36 signifier 4 pupils, there are 14 kinaesthetic ( 39 % ) , six read/write ( 17 % ) , eight aural ( 22 % ) , and eight visual ( 22 % ) . The consequences validated this statement from Suffolk County Council ( 2002 ) , ââ¬Å" It has been estimated that up to 37 % of the population are kinaesthetic scholarsâ⬠¦ . â⬠Different acquisition manners and clip spent in facebookData was collected shows that there are some differences among different larning manners on clip spent in facebook and different activity penchants. The holla tabular array showsQ1: E-PQ2: CHAQ3: ObQ4: ActQ5: W-VQ6: SHAfb/Internetnorm of clip devouring in fbOcular1. %8.1Aural0.752.53.753.252.751.553.5 %5.5Read/Write0. %6.5Kinesthetic0.613.3843.382.921.2364 %8.2Mean0.852.433.412.882.411.43South dakota0.27 0.730.70.50.480.42Table 2: Average of clip spent for each activity in facebook by different acquisition manners scholars Indeed, this tabular array shows ocular and kinaesthetic scholars spend the highest clip ( 8.1 & A ; 8.2hour/week ) among other scholars in facebook whereas, aural scholars spend the lowest clip in facebook ( 5.5hour/week ) among other scholars. Another consequence which is interesting is that read/write scholars spend about 72 per centum of their clip online in facebook. Chart 1: Different activities in facebook ; Q1: E-P: Educational Purposes Q2: CHA: Chatting Online With Friends Q3: Ob: Reading or Detecting What Others Do Q4: Act: Doing Activities in Facebook Q5: W-V: Watching Videos Q6: SHA: Sharing News and Information about School Harmonizing to the above tabular array and chart ocular, aural, and kinaesthetic scholars spend the highest clip in facebook ââ¬Å" lurking â⬠or reading others ââ¬Ë stations while read/write scholars spend an equal clip in facebook lurking and besides to make activities such as composing a position or uploading a image. In fact, pupils with different sorts of tilting manners spend the highest clip in facebook to detect and read whatever their friends do or skulking. On the other manus, pupils with any acquisition manners spend the lowest clip in facebook for educational intents. In fact, ocular scholars spend the highest clip ( 1.25 hour/week ) for educational intents among other larning manners where as kinaesthetic scholars spend the lowest clip ( 0.61 hour/week ) for educational intents. Kinesthetic scholars spend the highest clip ( 3.38 hours/week ) to chew the fat with their friends while read/write scholars spend the lowest clip ( 1.6 hours/week ) to chew the fat with their friends among other larning manners. Kinesthetic scholars spend the highest clip ( 4 hours/week ) to detect and read others ââ¬Ë activities while read/write learning manner scholars spend the lowest clip ( 2.4 hours/week ) . Kinesthetic scholars spend highest clip to make activities in facebook ( 3.38 hours/week ) while read/write learning manner scholars spend the lowest clip ( 2.4 hours/week ) . Kinesthetic scholars spend the highest clip to watch picture in facebook ( 2.93 hours/week ) , while ocular and read/write scholars spend the lowest clip ( 2 hours/week ) . Read/write scholars manner spend highest clip ( 2 hours/week ) to portion intelligence and information about school and classs while ocular scholars spend the lowest clip ( 1 hour/week ) . Students with read/write larning penchant spend 72 % of their clip online in facebook which it shows although they are non on-line every bit much as others but they spend most of their clip in facebook.Findingss and Discussi onThis survey aimed to calculate out the sum of clip spent in facebook for pupils with different larning manners and besides to happen out activity penchants of facebook users with different larning manners. Sing to the consequences there are some differences in clip spent in facebook for different acquisition manners. For case, the consequences show that ocular and kinaesthetic scholars claimed more clip spent in facebook so it can be concluded that this environment is more interesting and prosecuting to these types of scholars but it does n't intend that this environment is non suited for the other types of scholars with different larning manners like aural or read/write scholars. So any type of larning manners can profit from this environment and instructors can do a smart usage of this societal web web site to prosecute pupils in larning procedure and besides to enrich their acquisition. Furthermore, consequences show that each type of larning manners is interested in skulking o r reading and detecting whatever others do. In this respect, instructors should take into see this sort of pupils ââ¬Ë involvement in their instruction schemes and teaching methods. Actually, this is the teacher function to plan, construction, and program in a manner to do the facebook an educational environment. It can be done when a instructor uses facebook in a manner it is and in a manner that it engages pupils to remain in it for a long clip. Teachers should look at the nature of facebook and inquire themselves what has made the facebook popular like this. What is the facebook power that keeps people interested about it? To reply these inquiries some researches should be done. Harmonizing to some surveies that have been done, societal presence and interaction among people could be a ground for this attraction. People enjoy of societal interactivities and showing their sentiments in societal environment. They like to talk out to show themselves and they have wonder to cognize about others. Many instructors tend to utilize facebook for educational purposes because they know most of pupils are interested in utilizing facebook but they face some challenges in the manner of utilizing it because they want to utilize it in a similar manner that they use any other online tools like wikis, moodle, or educational web sites whereas, facebook has a different nature. Teachers can believe about facebook in a different manner. In a manner to reenforce face to confront schoolroom larning. They should inquire pupils to come to the facebook and portion their perceptual experiences, believes, thoughts, sentiments, and definitions about different constructs and topics to acquire more familiar with each other ââ¬Ës perceptual experiences, acquire more thoughts about different educational affairs and open up their heads about different affairs. For case, a mathematics instructor begins learning fractions in schoolroom and so asks pupils to take part in their class facebo ok group and reply the instructor ââ¬Ës inquiry. The inquiry could be why do we hold to larn fraction? Why it is of import to larn about fraction and it can be used in our life? To reply these inquiries pupils have to believe, hunt, and explore and so come up with different replies and discuss with their schoolmates about their findings. Right now, the instructor can do certain that they are more interested in larning fraction because they know how of import is the acquisition of this subject and furthermore they will be more curiose to see is their sentiments and thoughts about fraction comes true or non. Actually this survey has some restrictions. First, because the information was collected from merely 36 Chinese race pupils, it could non be generalized. In add-on, it has been limited to a study method. The consequences could be more accurate if there were some qualitative methods of informations aggregation.DecisionSocial webs, particularly facebook are used by a immense sum of pupils anyplace in the universe. As a consequence, most of instructors are interested in utilizing this societal environment to prosecute pupils in larning procedure. It is important for instructors to cognize whether facebook is suited for all pupils with any type of larning penchants or non. This survey showed that ocular and kinaesthetic scholars spend more clip in facebook but it does n't intend that the other types of acquisition manners do n't utilize facebook. Indeed, it depends more on instructors to take the best scheme to suit the demands of any type of larning penchants. Teachers should reply this inquiry ; ââ¬Å" How to prosecute my pupils in an academic facebook group? â⬠or ââ¬Å" what makes the facebook so popular among young person and how to do a usage of this characteristic to prosecute pupils in larning activities? â⬠This survey has been done on a little group of participants ( 36, 16 twelvemonth old pupils ) . Further surveies should be done on mo re sums of samples. Furthermore, some surveies should be conducted to happen out in which manner educational usage of facebook can be more interesting for scholars.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
8d: Problem Solving Worksheet
Tracking Number: |Customer Number: |Response Due Date: | | |8-D is a quality management tool and is a vehicle for a cross-functional team to articulate thoughts and provides scientific determination to details of problems | |and provide solutions. Organizations can benefit from the 8-D approach by applying it to all areas in the company. The 8-D provides excellent guidelines allowing | |us to get to the root of a problem and ways to check that the solution actually works. Rather than healing the symptom, the illness is cured, thus, the same | |problem is unlikely to recur. |Step |0 |1 | |1 |Establishing the Team: |Team Goals: | | |Establish a small group of people with the process/ product | | | |knowledge, allocated time, authority and skill in the required | | | |technical disciplines to solve the problem and implement corrective |Team Objectives: | | |actions. | |Department | |Name | |Skills | |Responsibility | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2A |Problem Definition |Sketch / Photo of Problem | | |Provides the starting point for solving the problem or | | | |nonconformance issue. Need to have ââ¬Å"correctâ⬠problem description to | | | |identify causes.Need to use terms that are understood by all. | | | | | | | |Part Number(s): | | | |Customer(s): | | | |List all of the data and documents that might help you to define the | | | |problem more exactly? | | |Action Plan to collect additional information: | | | |Prepare Process Flow Diagram for problem | | | |use a separate sheet if needed | | |2B |IS |IS NOT | |Who |Who is affected by the problem? |Who is not affected by the problem? | | | | | | | | | |Who first observed the problem? |Who did not find the problem? | | | | | | | | | | |To whom was the problem reported? | | | | | |What |What type of problem is it? |What does not have the problem? | | | | | | | | | | |What has the problem (part id, lot #s, etc)? |What could be happening but is not? | | | | | | | | | |What is happening with the process & with containment? |What could be the problem but is not? | | | | | | | | | | |Do we have physical evidence of the problem? | | |Why |Why is this a problem (degraded performance)? |Why is it not a problem? | | | | | | | | | |Is the process stable? | | | | | | |Where |Where was the problem observed? Where could the problem be located but is not? | | | | | | | | | | |Where does the problem occur? |Where else could the problem be located but is not? | | | | | |When |When was the problem first noticed? |When could the problem have been noticed but was not? | | | | | | | | | |When has it been noticed since? | | | | | | |How Much/|Quantity of problem (ppm)? |How many could have the problem but donââ¬â¢t? |Many | | | | | | | | |How much is the problem costing in dollars, people, & time? |How big could the problem be but is not? | | | | | |How Often|What is the trend (continuous, random, cyclical)? |What could the trend be but is not? | | | | | | | | | | |Has the problem occurred previously? | | | | | |2C |Problem Description | | |(based on the information gathered so far, provide a concise problem description) | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 |Developing Interim Containment Actions | | |Temporary actions to contain the problem and ââ¬Å"fixâ⬠until permanent correction is in place ââ¬â document actions in Action Item Table | | | | | | | | | | |4A |Identifying & Verifying Root Cause | | |Analyze for ââ¬Å"Root Causeâ⬠of the problem.Identify and verify the Escape Point | | | | | |Brainstorm the possible causes of the problem | | | | |4A |Cause and Effect Diagram | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |circle the most likely contributors (a maximum of three) from each side. |4B |5 Why Analysis | | | |Ask ââ¬â Why did this happen? | | | | | | | |Ask ââ¬â Why did this happen? | | | | | | | |Ask ââ¬â Why did this happen? | | | | | | |Ask ââ¬â Why did this happen? | | | | | | | |Ask ââ¬â Why did this happen? | | | | | | | |4C |Action Plan | | |Based on the teamââ¬â¢s discussions.Begin to complete the Root Cause Action Plan to verify and validate the root causes and test the escape point. | | |Document this on the Action Item Table | | | | | | | | | | | | | |5 |Identify Permanent Corrective Actions | | |solutions that address and correct the root cause. Solutions determined to be the best of all the alternatives.Document and verify the Permanent | | |Corrective Action (PCA) in the Action Item Table | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6 |Implementing & Validating the PCA | | |Implement and validate to ensure that corrective action does ââ¬Å"what it is supposed to do. â⬠Detect any undesirable side effects. Docume nt this on the | | |Action Item Table. Return to root cause analysis, if necessary | | | | | | | |7 |Preventing Recurrence | | |determine what improvements in systems and processes would prevent problem from recurring.Ensure that corrective action remains in place and successful | | | | | | | |7A |Address Similar Systems | | |Process / Item | | |Who Responsible | | |When | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7B |Review the following documents / systems | |Document |Who Responsible |Completion Date | | | |Planned |Actual | |Management System Manual | | | | |Manufacturing Work Instructions | | | | |Inspection Work Instructions | | | | |Process Flow Charts | | | | |Process Control Plans | | | | |Design FMEA | | | |Process FMEA | | | | |Gages | | | | |PPAP | | | | |Engineering Change Approval | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |8 |Congratulat e Your Team | | |Use all forms of employee recognition and document as necessary | | | | | |Celebrate successful conclusion of the problem solving effort | | |Formally disengage the team and return to normal duties | | | | |Was this problem solving exercise effective? Has it been verified with a follow-up? | |Yes |Signature / Title / Date |Findings | |No | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Action Item Table | |Actions |Implement & Verify Actions | Action # |Problem |Containment / Corrective Action |How Verified |Action |Who Responsible |Planned |Actual |Status | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Problem People Materials Machine Method Environment Measurement Measurement Environment Method Machine Materials People Why did it get out? How is it made?
Friday, September 27, 2019
Discuss safe urinary catheterisation of a male patient defining the Essay
Discuss safe urinary catheterisation of a male patient defining the indications and contra indications and the potential complications that may arise - Essay Example es are verified, they should be positioned as comfortable as possible in order to reduce anxiety and also facilitate access to their anatomy (Michael 2012, p. 31). The proper type and size of catheter is selected and then the genital area cleansed thoroughly. In case of an uncircumcised patient, the foreskin should be retracted and the area cleansed with saline (Saint 2000, p. 804). This reduces chances of contamination and trauma to the urethra. The penile urethra is straightened by extending the penis at a 90 degree angle to the body to facilitate the administration of local anaesthetic gel. The gel, which requires approximately five minutes to take effect, will dilate, lubricate and anaesthetise the urethral passage (Bradsley, A 2005, p. 45). The catheter is then inserted approximately 20 centimetres into the urethra, at which point urine should flow. In case of resistance at the sphincter, gentle pressure should be applied on the catheter. It is then inflated to make sure it rema ins in situ and a suitable closed drainage unit attached. Before the foreskin is returned to its position, it must be dry and clean (Francis 2008, p. 69). Indications include acute urinary retention, hygienic care of patients who are bedridden and monitoring the output of urine. Traumatic injury of the urinary tract, such as a urethral tear, will contraindicate urinal catheterisation. Possible complications include infection, bladder spasm and trauma to the bladder neck or urethra (Stewart 1998, p. 124). Michael, S 2012, ââ¬ËA review of strategies to decrease the duration of indwelling urethral catheters and potentially reduce the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infectionsââ¬â¢, Urology Nursing, vol. 32, no. 1, pp.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Criminology - Essay Example Despite the application and side effects of the drug under consideration, the entity has become a viable entity towards the sustenance of cultural affiliation. Drugs have been utilized to complete the achievement of a desired state whether hyperactive or eliminate a disease within the body. The entity has had the presentation to include the effects on the functioning of the body with the composition of the element. Some drugs are required to sustain the current body conditions while others applied to complete the achievement of a body state. Over the years, drugs have replaced traditional beliefs, and the presentation on outdated measures to achieve cure. The norm has become the sole position to deliver satisfaction to unsatisfactory health state. The advertisement of drugs and the effects of using the substance suggest that the features have been applied as products in daily living (Varian 2006). There is the desire to inform the public of the manufactured products and their value in completing satisfaction. Likewise, drugs present the similar provision in offering value to human living (Varian 2006). Like any other commodity, drugs are applied in completing lifestyle satisfaction. However, variable drugs hold varied side effects and may be applied differently. Despite the contribution made to societal living, drugs are advertised to inform the public of their
Analyzing witchcraft in Pre-colonial and colonial Mexico Essay
Analyzing witchcraft in Pre-colonial and colonial Mexico - Essay Example Just like the smallpox and other diseases brought by the Europeans wiped out civilizations, Catholicism eradicated the native religion of Mexico. Between 1800 and 300 BC, complex cultures flourished in Mexico. Many matured into advanced pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations such as the: Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec, which thrived for nearly 4,000 years before the Europeans landed in Mexico. First the religious practices of these civilizations and the effect of European colonization on the religious practices will examined. The Europeans reaction to the rituals of these cultures need to be looked at. Finally, the persecution of natives practicing witchcraft will be analyzed. The Olmec culture, especially their religious culture, can only be interpreted by archaeological measures like the Las Limas figures. The Olmec died out before Europeans came to Mexico. Cave art, digs, and other archaeological finds have shown that the Olmec religion had priests and shamans.1 Kings and rulers had to worship or link themselves to Olmec gods to prove their right to the rule.2 One author explains, ââ¬Å"much of the art of La Venta appears to have been dedicated to rulers who dressed as gods, or to the gods themselvesâ⬠.3 Olmec art shows deities like the Feathered Serpent and the Rain Spirit were already in the Mesoamerican pantheon in Olmec times.4 The Olmec believed in multi deities and spirits. Although the Olmec culture had died out before the European Conquistadors reached Mexico, speculation can be made based upon what is known about what happened to later cultures under colonization. The Catholicism that would sweep across Mexico believed in the Trinity. Anybody worshiping any deity or god other than God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, would be considered a witch, practicing witchcraft. Although the it can not be proven conclusively, there is indications the Olmec might have
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Emotional and Physical Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy And Research Paper
Emotional and Physical Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy And Different Ways of Treatment - Research Paper Example While most pregnant mothers use antidepressants to manage prenatal and postnatal depression, this study proposes other significant measures that can do better that antidepressants. The method for this research is a mixed method approach. The qualitative part of the study is observation and interviews while the quantitative part is considering the number of patients presenting symptoms in different health centers for a period of one year. Statistical analysis of the data obtained would help in determining the prevalence of depression in pregnancy. There is evidence suggesting that women have a higher prevalence of suffering fro depression during pregnancy. The fact that this presents adverse effects to the mothers places emphasis on the need for addressing the issue. Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness on the contributing factors of stress and the necessary measures to curb them. In order to solve this, the health sector should find appropriate treatment for pregnancy depression. Pregnancy depression refers to a mental situation of pregnant mothers, whereby they are sad and feel they do not want to do anything. The present research paper will aid in highlighting the common symptoms of pregnancy depression and the appropriate treatment measures that pregnant mothers should take into account to address this problem. Accordinmg to the World Health Organization, pregnancy depression is currently an epidemic affecting many mothers across the world. Most pregnant mothers are highly affected by prenatal and postnatal depression. Since pregnancy depression is not ââ¬Å"protectiveâ⬠, adequate treatment is necessary for pregnant mothers. Most pregnant mothers do not understand the necessary appropriate measure to address this issue and therefore, this field needs further research to educate mothers on how to cope with such
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
C-Span analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
C-Span analysis paper - Essay Example The so-called C-Span, or the Cable-Satellite Affairs Network, which is an American cable television network that undergoes broadcasting government and public affairs. It is also made-up of several television channels such as; * C-SPAN features live coverage of the House of Representatives * C-SPAN2 covers the Senate and airs Book TV on weekends * C-SPAN3 covers other live events and airs archived historical programming Some are saying that it is a boring show, for it shows information that is not with the interest of some viewers who are seeking only entertainment. C-Span has something to do with American National Government for it also covers the side of political aspects, the current situation of the politics in the country. The happenings inside the state are broadcasted and are shown to the public. By the C-Span we are informed of the events that are happening from time to time. It up dates us to news. It also archives information for future documentation and viewings.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
Assignment - Essay Example The culture differentiates one society to another and so cultures bear a very important part of our personalities. Many philosophers have endeavored to give the world their measures of the different components of culture. These components help us in comparing one culture with another (Gevurtz, 2006). One may think why that is important; well this comparison of cultures helps in finding out how distinct or how similar two cultures are. Since the world has become too connected, it is important to have the compatible cultures with linked countries so that businesses and other errands work smoothly. Despite the professionalism and the strict working environment that we see today, business related countries should have cultural compatibility. This helps in understanding each other better and results in better communication. Communication is essential for businesses since it is the sole binding force of all the specialized tasks that take place at different times in different locations for a business. Hofstedeââ¬â¢s dimensions for cultural compatibility have been used over time for assessing how similar or how different cultures are. When international business ventures are planned, companies often take the works of researchers like Hofstede and Hall to get an idea if the concerned countries are culturally compatible. If so, it is believed that they are more susceptible to growth and success. Geert Hofstedeââ¬â¢s cultural dimensions have been used to describe national or, better put, popular cultures. Hofstedeââ¬â¢s ideas are based on a large scale research project to bridge cultural differences globally and to come up with a global popular culture! It uses data obtained from sixty-four countries. These studies identify five dimensions. These dimensions can be used to analyze how similar or different countries are (Spanogle, 2009). The first dimension is of power distance, second one being individualism, third masculinity, fourth uncertainty avoidance and last one
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Martin Bernal and describes Essay Example for Free
Martin Bernal and describes Essay Black Athena is the works of Martin Bernal and describes the Afro-asiatic roots of classical civilization in ancient Greece. Martin examines the perception of ancient Greece in relation to its African and Asiatic neighbours especially in West Europe. This occurred in the 18th century onwards and exhibits the denial by the western academia and the influence of the Greek culture on civilization. In his work Bernin does not support the Greek civilization as being founded by the Aryan settlers whose trace is Europe. He gives proves as to the arguments of the famous great Grecian thinkers like Plato, Socrates and Aristotle that Phoenician civilization originally colonized Greece. In this basis he comes up with a theory based on the methodology of these historians and this theory states that Greece was colonized by northern invaders with their existing colony established in Phoenicia. (Moore, 2001) He uses several examples to explain that countries of Africa like Egypt and those on the west are being admired by prominent European leaders because of their historical backgrounds. The current Greek language spoken in classical Grecian world has its roots in the proto Greek language and influence from other Anatolian languages that were spoken nearby. The culture in Greece is believed to have been developed as a result of comparison of unity of elements. Bernam puts great emphasis on the elements of Africa that shaped the Grecian history. He compares the 19th and 20th century eurocentrism with the development of the western appropriation culture and its development. He argues that the western world influenced the Modern Greek language terming the contact between the indo European languages and the culturally influenced Egyptian and Semitic languages as very key in the determination of the modern Grecian culture and language. He gives examples of some words being used in the modern language of Greece to have been from these origins. He estimates the introduction of the Greek alphabet to have been between the period 1800 and 1400 BC. (Moore, 2001) Bernal came to the conclusion that the relationship between ancient Greek and Egyptian influence should not be taken lightly. His background traces to the interests he had on Egypt since childhood and the inspirations by his father. He is further encouraged to take this direction by the discovery of the works of Cyrus Gordon and Astour. Afrocentrism which is now the most felt model in the North American primary and secondary schools has been noted to be the most significant and challenging developments in higher education systems and curriculums. Itââ¬â¢s a model which encompasses both multi cultural and Afro Hellenic orientations. This simply means that itââ¬â¢s grounded in ethnic and cultural diversity and the aspect that it is attributed to Africa. In contrast with the black Athena which attributes the development of modern Greece to the western world, the Afrocentric model attributes it to be an abstract, intellectual civilization which is grounded in the traditional orientations of western civilization. Bernalââ¬â¢s discovery of the black Athena is the modern thinking of how the Greek world came into being but has been criticized as not with definite reasons as afrocentric movement. His was of a different order that racist and anti Semitic scholars only showed the historical facts from the Bronze Age onwards making the culture of Greece to be a product of only Egyptians and Levantines. He argues that for the complete concealing of the origin of the Greek culture we need to consider the north of Athens and the medditerenian island of Crete, civilizations which took place in the third millennium. Bernalââ¬â¢s case is different from the afrocentric models because it rests upon on legend and myth. It relies upon the stories told by the ancient Greeks like Aristotle and Aristotle. He interprets these stories as the memories of the Egyptian and Phoenician developments. There is a critic about this however because we need to ask ourselves ââ¬Ëof what benefit is myths and legends? ââ¬â¢ (Bernal, 1987) Bernal attributes archaeology, myth and linguistic borrowings as evidence to the development in Greece. The history and development of Greece is of much importance to the culture adopted today in Greece. Without the historical base Bernal suggests that tracing of the Greek history and civilization would be very complicated. Bernal claims that approximately 30% of Greek is of Semitic origin, 20% from Egyptian origin and the rest from the ancient Greek origin. Critics however have suggested that his demonstrations is only based on the resemblance merely and not the principles of linguistic adaptation. Bernal takes the similarity of a few words and tries to generalize. The afro centric orientation is based on the western world and argues that linguistic development in Greek civilization has been natural like the development of any other language. (Bernal, 1987) The contention that the Egyptians were the greatest civilization in history is critically opposed by the Afrocentrists. Afrocentrists view the Egyptians as only blacks who cannot contribute anything to the civilizations which took place especially in Greece. Bernal regarded the developments of Greeks like the scientific and mathematical orientations as very important movements. Itââ¬â¢s however criticized by the afrocentrics as a total disregard of the facts of chronology. Conclusion The black Athena and the afrocentric movements have had an influence to the history and civilizations of the current Grecian histories. In our study of the two models we need to understand the fact that the current ancient civilization is as a result of amalgamation of the two models. Bernal in his book Black Athena: The afroasiantic roots of Classical civilization addresses the issues which have made the Greek world today be the way it is. Reference: Bernal, M. (1987) Black Athena: Afroasiantic roots of Classical Civilization, Rutgers University press. Moore, D. (2001) Black Athena writes back, Duke University press.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Child Benefit Scheme From A Historical And Political Perspective Social Work Essay
Child Benefit Scheme From A Historical And Political Perspective Social Work Essay This essay will analyse the child benefit scheme from both a historical and political perspective in which it will examine the debates on child benefit in the 1970s when the scheme was first introduced and compare them to the current debates and reforms the coalition government have proposed to introduce. The child benefit scheme was fully introduced in 1977 through the Child Benefit Act 1975 proposed by the Labour government coming from a socialist perspective. Child benefit merged Family Allowances, which were paid to those with more than one child, and Child Tax Allowances into one single payment. These were both previous welfare benefits specifically for children. Child benefit is a universal, tax free benefit paid to all children in the household. It did not exclude those on higher incomes or was any different for single parent families as it was paid to every child (Greener Cracknell, 1998). Child benefit was a recognition by government that there are extra costs when parents have children. Child benefits have been increased by the successive governments over the years in relation to inflation and the needs of children and families. It is regarded as a positive benefit, helping relieve child poverty and social exclusion. It is recognised as a fair and worthy way of spending pub lic money and an investment for the future (Greener Cracknell, 1998). There were a number of positive and negative arguments for and against the introduction of child benefit. One of the main causes for an improved system of child support was the rising levels of child poverty in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s (Hendrick, 2008). Child Benefit was seen as a way of protecting and preventing a child against poverty (Bennett Dornan, 2006). Poverty had increased as of the deprivation caused by the likes of inflation and the rise in food prices (McCarthy, 1983). There were a number of reports highlighting the decline in living standards of children such as those by 1960s scholars Margaret Wynn and Della Nevitt questioning whether support for children in the 1960s matched the needs of children (Field, 1982). Further, the social researcher Richard Titmuss expressed that child support in Britain was badly designed and had to be improved as only those with more than one child received Family allowances (Field, 1982). Additionally a report on Circumstances of Fam ilies (1966) presented to us that half a million families who have one and a quarter children live on or below the official poverty line (Field, 1982). Therefore these reports show that child poverty was an ongoing issue at the time and a valid reason as to why a new child policy such as child benefit would be a beneficial action for childrens future. It provides a form of stability as it does not depend on income (Bennett Dornan, 2006). The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) were highly influential in the introduction of Child Benefit. They campaigned for the protection of children since their establishment in 1965. The CPAGs main aim was to persuade Harold Wilsons Labour government to increase Family Allowances and therefore brought child benefit into the public eye (Field, 1982). When it came to the child benefit campaign The CPAG had been claimed as the main stimulus for its introduction (Field, 1982). They even used threats to the government to demand better welfare for children. They were a Group who represented the poor, acting as an agent of those in poverty. Their purpose was to help poor families and not only focus on changing the structures in society (Field, 1982). CPAG campaigners tried to convince poor people that it was not their fault they were in poverty but was structures within society that did not fairly redistribute resources (Field, 1982). According to Field (1982) the Group had strong support fo r an appropriate form of child support to be put in place as they believe it was needed to eradicate child poverty. The Group recognised raising a child costs more money and sharing the cost through the redistribution of income was thought to be the best way of improving childrens welfare (McCarthy, 1983). Therefore looking at the political issues in the history of child benefits are important to examine the evolution of child benefit. The CPAGs influence in child benefit shows the large impact pressure groups can have on political issues and how they raise public awareness. McCarthy (1983) also claims if the CPAG had not became involved in the cause the issue may not have been discussed at all. It also shows that government are not the only protagonists in the policy process as the Group had such a peripheral role on child benefit. Trade Unions also had a large contribution to the introduction of child benefit and supported the change from wallet to purse. The TUC/Labour party committee in the early 1970s stated the benefit scheme must tackle the problem of poverty and provide enough to do this (McCarthy, 1983). According to the CPAG policy briefing (Bennett Dornan. 2006) the scheme was going to cost too much money and the Labour government claimed the benefits introduction would be postponed as of administrative and legislative problems. In May 1976 suspicions grew that the Labour government was abandoning the scheme as they introduced the Child Interim Benefit to single parents which was thought to be a temporary provision until the government had enough funds to fully introduce child benefit (McCarthy, 1983). It has been claimed the shelving of child benefit could have been due to James Callaghan succeeding as Prime Minister from Harold Wilson. According to Field (1982) Callaghan did not support an increase in family allowances in the 1960s. Callaghan believed the public were against the benefit scheme as it meant a decrease in take home pay for men (Field, 1982). The Cabinet leaks by the CPAG however seemed to have one of the largest impacts on the child benefit scheme as it revived the political debates on child benefits. It revealed that the TUC had reacted badly to the fact that child benefit implementation would reduce take home pay for men and they therefore became completely against its introduction despite the fact child benefit would bring income back up again (Field, 1982). The Labour government decided to abolish the scheme and were reluctant to go against the TUC. Therefore the lead up to the implementation of child benefit has shown the way government ministers make decisions on social policies. We can see from the literature that the government did not necessarily make a decision on the needs of the public but was the opinions of the TUC dominated their decision. The lea ks led to government embarrassment and a swift change of mind to implement child benefit. This shows Labour may have introduced child benefit to keep the public happy and to avoid being voted out. It appeared in the 1970s that there was a wide support for reforms of the Family allowance as the Labour and Conservative governments supported change as well as the trade union movement. The proposal for the introduction of child benefit raised the subject of whether the monthly payment should be paid into the purse (mother) or wallet (father). With the previous system men received all welfare benefits for the family. The argument that the benefit should go to the purse was so that the person who primarily cared for the children could organise the family budget for the likes of food and clothes (McCarthy, 1983). This can also make sure that the money is spent on the child and on items the child needs (Bennett Dornan, 2006). Recent evidence from CPAG (Bennett Dornan, 2006) claimed that child benefit is regarded as highly valuable to mothers. The benefit may also be the only formal income the mother receives and is regarded as an independent income for some mothers. It appears the s hift from wallet to purse was significant argument in the introduction of child benefits and was one of the main reasons for change. The transfer was also an issue for the trade unions where the majority of members were male at this time. There were sexist attitudes towards this move as men would lose out on their tax allowances and therefore became against child benefits. However the change from wallet to purse did make sense and became implemented. Therefore this was an argument that welfare for children had to be improved and changed. Since the introduction of child benefit in 1977 there have been a number of increases and changes depending on the government in power. The largest change however since its introduction will be the Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition reforms pledged in October 2010 and is an issue both parties seem to agree on. According to Roberts (2010) {online}, the Liberals Democrats believe this move has been long overdue. The policy proposes that if at least one person in the household is paying the higher tax rate earning more than à £43,875 per year then that household will no longer be eligible to receive the benefit. These cuts have caused public uproar. The coalitions aims are to cut public spending by an average of 25% across all departments excluding health and overseas developmental (AVECO, 2010) {online}. An ongoing argument against the withdrawal of child benefits from higher rate taxpayers is that it is unfair, and the design of the policy is unclear. The media highlight this showing how unjust the policy proposal is and will hit the middle classes most. Ed Miliband in Labour opposition states how it is unreasonable that a person earning two salaries just under à £43,875 can keep their monthly payment but those earning over this threshold when the other parent is not working will not receive their benefit (Prince, 2010) {online}. According to the Comprehensive Spending Review by 2014-15 the cut in child benefit will be saving à £2.5 billion a year preventing those on a lower income from subsidising higher earners (Spending Review, 2010). It has been argued Child benefit is in some cases wasted as of its universalism and payment for every child. For instance even those who do not need the extra income still receive it. Further, it is argued it is ill-targeted across the board and w asted on those at the top end of the income scale rather than targeting those who are really in dire need of that extra piece of income which the Conservative government believe are good enough reasons to remove Child benefit from higher earners. Therefore the policy reform comes from a right wing background which believes that the state should not be relied on by its citizens such as those who are better off and are able to provide for themselves. Whereas in 1977 child benefit was seen as a collective investment. The Labour party challenge the coalition cuts by informing that stay at home mothers will be the worst affected under this move. It is viewed as unfair as for example if a family has the main breadwinner on a à £45,00 wage and a female carer staying at home to look after their children, they will lose out on thousands of pounds a year for their family. Single earner families lose out the most (Prince, 2010) {online}. The media claim 15% of tax payers will be affected by this change (Prince, 2010) {online}. A further argument agreeing that women will be the most affected by this is the fact that for some females child benefit is the only form of income the mother receives. Katherine Rake of the Family and Parenting Institute states that for some handling the family budget is the only form of independence some mothers have (Collins, 2010) {online}. With these reforms it seems the Coalition government are reverting back to old ways, favouring male income which the old style family allo wances did. Undoubtedly the policy is designed to save on public expenditure and target those who need it most. The policy however could create problems within the family. It could cost families thousands as it could prevent those on a wage below the cut off from taking employment promotions which take them above the line (Prince, 2010) {online}. When single mothers enter a new relationship with a person who is on the higher tax rate wage which would remove the eligibility for child benefit. Additionally the Labour MP Parmjit Dhanda commented on the reform saying couples may claim they are separated to avoid losing the payment as they feel they should be entitled to it. Checks on this neo-liberalist reform would be difficult and expensive and therefore implementation could become difficult as of the removal of its universalism (Chapman, 2010) {online}. It is valuable to look at the policy from a historical and political perspective as it has shown how the policy has evolved and why the policy was implemented with the rise of child poverty and a need for a satisfactory form of child support. Cost is obviously a key factor in the cuts however whether this cut is affordable for the future of children remains to be seen. The reforms have brought about controversy politically and publicly as it has raised the subject of who is deserving of child benefit as it has now decided who receives it. In conclusion child benefit has therefore become a success in Britain and has become relied on by many. The fact that child benefit has lasted over 40 years shows this significance as well as the fact that it has angered many who will be losing out after the proposed coalition reforms.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Critical Thinking Paper Abortion Philosophy Essay
Critical Thinking Paper Abortion Philosophy Essay It is undeniable that abortion is one of the most controversial topics. As is always the case, there are two sides to such a provocative topic. One is for free will and the ability to choose to have an abortion; the other is pro life and against abortion. However, very few advocates for either side truly know what is involved in the abortion process, but still do their best to oversimplify the issue at hand anyway. What exactly is abortion, then? By dictionary definition, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. However, todays society would define it as getting rid of a mistake. An analysis of abortion reveals that there is more than meets the eye and only those who fully understand the process and consequences make decisions concerning abortion. The history of abortion is an extensive one. Although one of the most famous tide-turning legal cases for abortion was in 1973, abortion can be traced back even further than the 19th century. In fact, in Ancient Greece in 400 B.C., the Oath of Hippocrates stated that I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath. . . I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion (Facts About Abortion: Ancient Abortion History). Basically, any who swore by this oath realized the belief that abortion was harmful and would endeavor to aid the abortion process in any way. Around the same t ime period, Socrates also mentioned abortion in his books. His view, however, was opposite of Hippocrates. Socrates believed that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦a man may not marry his daughter or his daughters daughter, or his mother or his mothers mother; and women, on the other hand, are prohibited from marrying their sons or fathers, or sons son or fathers father, and so on in either direction. And we grant all this, accompanying the permission with strict orders to prevent any embryo which may come into being from seeing the light; and if any force a way to the birth, the parents must understand that the offspring of such an union cannot be maintained, and arrange accordingly (Facts About Abortion: Ancient Abortion History). In much simpler terms, Socrates stated that abortion is justified in cases where a child is conceived in an incestuous union. The United States was also part of the broad history concerning abortion. In 1859, the American Medical Association condemned abortion except when preserving the life of the mother and in 1875, every state in America adopted laws that banned abortion (The History of Abortion in the United States). There were also many legal cases in which abortion was the main concern. As previously mentioned, Roe v. Wade was one of the most famous cases. Alex McBride stated on PBS, Controversial from the moment it was released, Roe v. Wade politically divided the nation more than any other recent case and continues to inspire heated debates, politics, and even violence today (the culture wars) (McBride). This case was particularly dividing because it was so controversial, and made people choose sides. There was the side that promoted free will and to have abortion as an option. On the other hand, there was the side that believed that all life is precious and that abortion is morally wrong. In the en d, the Court ruled that women have a right to privacy, which includes the right to have an abortion (McBride). Many people choose sides concerning abortion without having sufficient information to do so, such as knowing what the abortion process truly entails. Some choose to be against abortion without fully considering that there are certain circumstances that would require abortion, such as when the mother is in a life or death situation. Others choose abortions without realizing that it goes against many religions and beliefs. What most of them do not know is what is involved in the abortion process. Many might think that it would be similar to having a Caesarian section, perhaps removing the fetus through surgery. This, however, is not the case. As mentioned, the abortion process is more complex than one would think. There is more than one way to carry out an abortion; the type of process chosen is usually determined by how far into the pregnancy a woman is. The patient can choose between two options for abortion: through medication, or surgery (Types of Abortion Procedures). Although the first trimester is twelve weeks long, women can only choose to have an abortion through medication within the first nine weeks (Pregnancy Week by Week; Types of Abortion Procedures). This is most likely due to ethical reason, for example, because the fetus has developed and is considered a human being, therefore making abortion through pills unethical. There are various types of surgical abortion procedures. For example, Vacuum Aspiration, also known as Suction Aspiration, is through the use of a strong vacuum; Dilation and Evacuation is through the use forceps (First Trimester Abortion Procedures; Abortion Methods). During the process of V acuum Aspiration, a tube attached to a vacuum type pump is inserted into the vagina; the fetus and placenta is torn apart as it is suctioned out along with the amniotic fluids (Abortion Methods). Dilation and Evacuation is vastly different, however. The previous method seems more clinical and less horrifying than this method. In Dilation and Evacuation, forceps are used to grasp at random fetus parts, which are then pulled out one by one until only the head is left (Abortion Methods). As the fetuss head is too large to removed in tact, it is crushed first (Abortion Methods). Although these are only two of many procedures, each is more inhumane than the previous. Despite the fact that death only occurs in 0.0006% of abortion cases, there are risks and complications involved. No abortion procedure is entirely one hundred percent safe or risk-free. These are the dangers of legal abortion procedures: allergic reactions, blood clots, infections, failed or incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, injury, and etc (In-Clinic Abortion Procedures). If abortion was made illegal, women would have to resort to even more dangerous methods, such as illegal ones. Not all of the dangers are physical, however. There are issues of post-abortion syndrome, such as feeling deep regret and depression over choosing to terminate the life of ones child (The Case Against Abortion: Post-Abortion Syndrome). When it comes to an extremely controversial topic like this one, there are usually many biases. This can involve religion, ethics, income, age, and society. All of these can influence decisions concerning abortion. Religion plays a major role, as it is what people turn to for guidance in turbulent times. If their religion is against abortion, it is most likely that followers will be the same. Ethics is also a guide; abortion might be unethical to some because fetuses are considered human beings and all life is sacred. The matter of income is also important. Those who are impoverished would support to keep abortion legal because they can barely afford to keep themselves alive, let alone another human being. In fact, forty-two percent of women who have abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level (Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States). Those who are wealthy might agree with abortion because a laid back life full of partying would probably be more appealing w ithout having to raise a child. On the other hand, they might not agree because they have enough means for financial support. The elderly or people raised with traditional morals most likely would not even entertain the thought of abortion because they believe in taking responsibility instead of the easier way out. However, younger people, especially in todays society, would be more likely to embrace abortion because irresponsibility is much easier. These factors contribute to biases. For example, those who are against abortion create extremely graphic collages using a collection of real pictures or digitally created ones that show the entire abortion process. These images invoke heavy emotions that discourage abortions. Anti-abortion supporters even go as far as inventing lies that suggest abortion leads to cancer (Dudley, and Kruse). In contrast, supporters of abortion might downplay, oversimplify, and even hide the danger at hand. For instance, Planned Parenthoods website include s both information on the safety and risks of abortion procedures; however, the information on risks is in smaller text so it is not as noticeable (In-Clinic Abortion Procedures). Another example is in the form of a young womans experience. Lindsay, whose last name was not posted, stated that abortion clinics made her leave through the back door because they dont want anyone coming in to know what someone looks like going out (Finding Help: You Care About Me, Right?). There are many reasons why women choose to have or not to abortions. For example, a reason might be similar to Socrates case: a woman might have been in a nonconsensual incestuous relationship that has ended in child conceived. It might go against this womans religion or ethics to give birth to the child. Abortion might also be necessary when the life of the mother is endangered. That is not to say these all of these reasons are completely justified. Even though the fetus has not fully formed, it is still a human being and a product of ones flesh and blood. Termination could be considered child abuse. Nothing truly gives one, even a parent, the right to play God and decide whether or not to terminate a life. There are alternatives, such as giving the child up for adoption after birth. Even in todays society, the topic of abortion is an extremely contentious one. People are very divided on this topic although each side may not fully comprehend everything about abortion. This shows that many are eager to jump on the bandwagon of whichever side makes the best case. In order to make educated judgments on abortion, people must entirely comprehend the process of abortion and the results. Personally, I am against abortion because I believe in taking responsibility for our actions, and that even unborn children are humans and should deserve a chance at life.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
buddhism Essay -- essays research papers
Zen; Buddhism's trek through history, politics, and America Zen, or Zenno (as it is known by the Japanese word from which it derives), is the most common form of Buddhism practiced in the world today. All types of people from intellectuals to celebrities refer to themselves as Buddhist, but despite its popularity today in America, it has had a long history throughout the world. "Here none think of wealth or fame, All talk of right and wrong is quelled. In Autumn I rake the leaf-banked stream, In spring attend the nightingale. Who dares approach the lion's Mountain cave? Cold, robust, A Zen-person through and through, I let the spring breeze enter at the gate." -Daigu (1584-1669, Rinzai) (DailyZen) Zen Buddhism's history begins where Buddhism's history began. It originated on the continent of Asia around 500 B.C.. The founder of Buddhism; Gotama Siddhattha, a former price in what is now known as India, is known as "The Buddha," which roughly translates to " o ne who is awake" (Merit 102). "At the age of twenty-nine, deeply troubled by the suffering he saw around him, he renounced his privileged life to seek understanding. After six years of struggling as an ascetic he finally achieved enlightenment at age thirty-five" (DailyZen). In 475 A.D. a Buddhist teacher, Bodhidharma, traveled to China and introduced the teachings of Buddha there. In China Buddhism mixed with Taoism, and the result was the Ch'an School of Buddhism, and from there Ch'an spread to Japan where it is called Zen Buddhism (DailyZen). The Buddhist Religion has always been passed down from teacher to student, and through the use of books and sacred works such as the Malind-panha, Pali Tipitaka, and the Pitaka series (Merit 102). These books and teachers taught students of the religion the philosophies of the practice. They taught of Satori, or enlightenment, which is the main goal of the Zen Buddhist, which is to achieve peace of mind despite external turmoi l ( Archer ninety-six). One way to reach enlightenment is through meditation. Zaren is sitting in meditative absorption as the shortest yet most steep way to reaching enlightenment (Zen 233). The Buddhists stressed the fact that existence is painful. They believed that suffering was a result of false human attachments to things that were impertinent, "including the attachment to the false notion o... ...inly Christian population of the time. It also came as a shock because women were welcomed to join. America was in a chaotic state during the 1960s. The country was basically torn apart, and highly tormented by the controversy over the Vietnam war. People were breached by the traditional American ideals of serving the country, and heroic nationalism, and new ideologies and beliefs systems. More Americans were open to try different things. The Hippie era, trials of free love, and experimenting with fresh cultural aspects, all probably led to a sort of flourishing of spiritual awareness. As the cultures' curiosity and confusion led to a blossoming of new religious forms, or at least new to the Americana. Zen Buddhism was among these ideas, that was grasped at by Americans seeking new spiritual enlightenment. Zen went from India to China to Japan to Western civilization, and made a variable impact in each place it traveled to. The ideas, customs, beliefs, and philosophies of the Zen Buddhist religion spread globally due to its universality. From politics to poets, Zen impacts all aspects of life, and forms ethics through guideline, and basic philosophies of human nature and spirit.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Money Supply and Inflation Essay -- Economy, Macroeconomics
Money Supply plays an important role in macroeconomic analysis, especially in selecting an appropriate monetary and fiscal policy. Considerably, I am yet to come across theoretical work that has been done on this topic (analysis money supply and its impact on other variable i.e. inflation, interest rate, real GDP and nominal GDP). However some other topics similar to this one have been done by AL-SHARKAS, Adel, where he uses the same technique and models on the topic ââ¬Ëout put response to shocks to interest rate, inflation and stock returns. His work investigates the relationship between the Jordanian output and other macroeconomics variables such as inflation, interest rate and stock returns. His paper employs the VAR approach method of Lee (1992) to analyze the relation and dynamic interaction among variables. The IRF and the FEVD from the VAR model are computed in order to investigate interrelationships within the system. The empirical results indicate that Interest rate and inflation are weakly negatively correlated and real stock returns and inflation is very weakly positively correlated for all leads and lags are negatively associated. Furthermore, the response of output (IPG) to shocks in stock returns (R1) is strongly positive up to the first 6 periods and after which the effect almost dies. This indicates that the relationship between stocks returns (R1) and real activity (IPG) is positive and inflation has a negative impact on IPG (Adel A. Al-Sharkas 2004). MONEY SUPPLY GROWTH AND MACROECONOMIC CONVERGENCE IN ECOWAS by WEST AFRICAN MONETARY AGENCY (WAMA) is a writes up similar to this topic. Where the relationship between money supply major macroeconomic indicator where investigated for countries in West Africa includi... ...mploys the VAR approach method of Lee (1992) to analyze the relation and dynamic interaction among variables. The IRF and the FEVD from the VAR model are computed in order to investigate interrelationships between money supply shocks and inflation the system. the empirical relations based on the VAR test conducted for the period 1990 to 2009 show that, Money supply and inflation are weakly positively correlated, Money supply and interest rates are very weakly and negatively correlated, Money supply and real GDP are strongly positively correlated, Money supply and nominal GDP are very strongly negatively correlated. Furthermore, the response of inflation to shocks in money supply is very weakly positive or has no effect since it is constant through out. This indicates that the relationship between money supply and inflation is not too significant.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Deception Point Page 46
Delta-One had now finished packing snow down the woman's throat. Before turning his attention to the others, Delta-One unhooked the woman's belay harness. He could reconnect it later, but at the moment, he did not want the two people behind the sled getting ideas about pulling his victim to safety. Michael Tolland had just witnessed a murderous act more bizarre than his darkest mind could imagine. Having cut Norah Mangor free, the three attackers were turning their attention to Corky. I've got to do something! Corky had come to and was moaning, trying to sit up, but one of the soldiers pushed him back down on his back, straddled him, and pinned Corky's arms to the ice by kneeling on them. Corky let out a cry of pain that was instantly swallowed up by the raging wind. In a kind of demented terror, Tolland tore through the scattered contents of the overturned sled. There must be something here! A weapon! Something! All he saw was diagnostic ice gear, most of it smashed beyond recognition by the ice pellets. Beside him, Rachel groggily tried to sit up, using her ice ax to prop herself up. ââ¬Å"Runâ⬠¦ Mikeâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å" Tolland eyed the ax that was strapped to Rachel's wrist. It could be a weapon. Sort of. Tolland wondered what his chances were attacking three armed men with a tiny ax. Suicide. As Rachel rolled and sat up, Tolland spied something behind her. A bulky vinyl bag. Praying against fate that it contained a flare gun or radio, he clambered past her and grabbed the bag. Inside he found a large, neatly folded sheet of Mylar fabric. Worthless. Tolland had something similar on his research ship. It was a small weather balloon, designed to carry payloads of observational weather gear not much heavier than a personal computer. Norah's balloon would be no help here, particularly without a helium tank. With the growing sounds of Corky's struggle, Tolland felt a helpless sensation he had not felt in years. Total despair. Total loss. Like the cliche of one's life passing before one's eyes before death, Tolland's mind flashed unexpectedly through long forgotten childhood images. For an instant he was sailing in San Pedro, learning the age-old sailor's pastime of spinnaker-flying-hanging on a knotted rope, suspended over the ocean, plunging laughing into the water, rising and falling like a kid hanging on a belfry rope, his fate determined by a billowing spinnaker sail and the whim of the ocean breeze. Tolland's eyes instantly snapped back to the Mylar balloon in his hand, realizing that his mind had not been surrendering, but rather it had been trying to remind him of a solution! Spinnaker flying. Corky was still struggling against his captor as Tolland yanked open the protective bag around the balloon. Tolland had no illusions that this plan was anything other than a long shot, but he knew remaining here was certain death for all of them. He clutched the folded mass of Mylar. The payload clip warned: CAUTION: NOT FOR USE IN WINDS OVER 10 KNOTS. The hell with that! Gripping it hard to keep it from unfurling, Tolland clambered over to Rachel, who was propped on her side. He could see the confusion in her eyes as he nestled close, yelling, ââ¬Å"Hold this!â⬠Tolland handed Rachel the folded pad of fabric and then used his free hands to slip the balloon's payload clasp through one of the carabiners on his harness. Then, rolling on his side, he slipped the clasp through one of Rachel's carabiners as well. Tolland and Rachel were now one. Joined at the hip. From between them, the loose tether trailed off across the snow to the struggling Corkyâ⬠¦ and ten yards farther to the empty clip beside Norah Mangor. Norah is already gone, Tolland told himself. Nothing you can do. The attackers were crouched over Corky's writhing body now, packing a handful of snow, and preparing to stuff it down Corky's throat. Tolland knew they were almost out of time. Tolland grabbed the folded balloon from Rachel. The fabric was as light as tissue paper-and virtually indestructible. Here goes nothing. ââ¬Å"Hold on!â⬠ââ¬Å"Mike?â⬠Rachel said. ââ¬Å"What-ââ¬Å" Tolland hurled the pad of wadded Mylar into the air over their heads. The howling wind snatched it up and spread it out like a parachute in a hurricane. The sheath filled instantly, billowing open with a loud snap. Tolland felt a wrenching yank on his harness, and he knew in an instant he had grossly underestimated the power of the katabatic wind. Within a fraction of a second, he and Rachel were half airborne, being dragged down the glacier. A moment later, Tolland felt a jerk as his tether drew taut on Corky Marlinson. Twenty yards back, his terrified friend was yanked out from under his stunned attackers, sending one of them tumbling backward. Corky let out a blood-curdling scream as he too accelerated across the ice, barely missing the overturned sled, then fishtailing inward. A second rope trailed limp beside Corkyâ⬠¦ the rope that had been connected to Norah Mangor. Nothing you can do, Tolland told himself. Like a tangled mass of human marionettes, the three bodies skimmed down the glacier. Ice pellets went sailing by, but Tolland knew the attackers had missed their chance. Behind him, the white-clad soldiers faded away, shrinking to illuminated specks in the glow of the flares. Tolland now felt the ice ripping beneath his padded suit with relentless acceleration, and the relief at having escaped faded fast. Less than two miles directly ahead of them, the Milne Ice Shelf came to an abrupt end at a precipitous cliff-and beyond itâ⬠¦ a hundred-foot drop to the lethal pounding surf of the Arctic Ocean. 52 Marjorie Tench was smiling as she made her way downstairs toward the White House Communications Office, the computerized broadcast facility that disseminated press releases formulated upstairs in the Communications Bullpen. The meeting with Gabrielle Ashe had gone well. Whether or not Gabrielle was scared enough to turn over an affidavit admitting the affair was uncertain, but it sure as hell was worth a try. Gabrielle would be smart to bail out on him, Tench thought. The poor girl had no idea just how hard Sexton was about to fall. In a few hours, the President's meteoric press conference was going to cut Sexton down at the knees. That was in the bank. Gabrielle Ashe, if she cooperated, would be the death blow that sent Sexton crawling off in shame. In the morning, Tench could release Gabrielle's affidavit to the press along with footage of Sexton denying it. One-two punch. After all, politics was not just about winning the election, it was about winning decisively-having the momentum to carry out one's vision. Historically, any president who squeaked into office on a narrow margin accomplished much less; he was weakened right out of the gate, and Congress never seemed to let him forget it. Ideally, the destruction of Senator Sexton's campaign would be comprehensive-a two-pronged attack sacking both his politics and his ethics. This strategy, known in Washington as the ââ¬Å"high-low,â⬠was stolen from the art of military warfare. Force the enemy to battle on two fronts. When a candidate possessed a piece of negative information about his opponent, he often waited until he had a second piece and went public with both simultaneously. A double-edged attack was always more effective than a single shot, particularly when the dual attack incorporated separate aspects of his campaign-the first against his politics, the second against his character. Rebuttal of a political attack took logic, while rebuttal of a character attack took passion; disputing both simultaneously was an almost impossible balancing act. Tonight, Senator Sexton would find himself scrambling to extract himself from the political nightmare of an astounding NASA triumph, and yet his plight would deepen considerably if he were forced to defend his NASA position while being called a liar by a prominent female member of his staff.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Understanding “While the Auto Waits”
The unknown lady in this play is one of not only mystery, but she is not the only one that seems to be living a facade of a life, a life which is far more glamorous than their own. We start out in the park where the entire drama takes place. Now at first glance upon his lurking and pouncing upon the dropped book I am lead to believe that he may be simply a passerby in her neck of the woods or this public park. Then as I read on and ultimately reach the end of the story I am left to believe that this young man, Mr.Parkenstacker, has been coming to this very park for quite some time following this same maiden. The mystery woman goes into great detail about her life, her millionsâ⬠¦as if she is so discontent and drawn overly bored with the statures and stipulations of the upper class. She almost makes it seem as if she is in a class above that of which is consider ââ¬Å"upperâ⬠, as if almost a royal figure by the mentioning of ââ¬Å"the Drake and the Princeâ⬠.She makes m ention of this figures of royalty when the young man questions if she will truly be able to fall in love with just a common man. By never offering her name to Mr. Parkenstacker she has left so much to be desired for in this short play, so much more you want to initially know about her. I start imagining if she is the heir to a textile fortune, possibly from a wealthy family with a rich history in banking on the most supreme of levels.Early on you do not even realize that Parkenstacker is doing just the same as the young lady is. They are both putting on airs as they say, each wanting to unknowingly trade shoes for a day or for an eternity even. Mr. Parkenstacker is portraying to a commoner who has not true idea of having financial authority but claiming to consider he somewhat a connoisseur of the rich and well-to-do class. He begins by attempting to summarize up what her life is like which leads to her expounding more on her alleged lifestyle.The young lady almost seems as if she w ants out of this dreaded long life of balls, dinners, plays, operas, and being around other people only drawn to her by her financial status or monetary circles. She is living in a world where your name is so powerful she feels as if she cannot dare give him that small piece of information for he will surely know just who he is talking with on this park bench. Then we have a break in the play when the waitress from the restaurant across the street enters the park, evidently looking for this young lady whom we now address as Mary-Jane Parker.Claiming that she is tired of her pulling off these shenanigans and being late for work a third time and the owner being furious. The waitress is the vital part of this play for if not for her we would have left off thinking Mr. Parkenstacker was a poor common man and the aforementioned unknown lady was of the wealthy class. As the chauffer finally approaches Mr. Parkenstacker and the end and asks him shall he cancel the dinner reservations, then and only then do we see what has transpired. Mr.Parkenstacker is actually the wealthy one and he has been attempting to ask this lady, Mary-Jane Parker out on a date for quite some time but the one time he has had the courage to approach her she has been called out in scandal. The 10-minute play ââ¬Å"While the Auto Waitsâ⬠by O. Henry sticks the guildine of such a work defined by the Kennedy Center based on the fact it uses two main characters, it exposes a plot almost immediately, and it brings a story full circle in such a short period of time without a change of scenes.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Improving Communication Competence Essay
Interpersonal Communication is very important, whether it is in a business organization such as staff meetings, project discussion and the likes, marketing, or even the development of social skills. However, despite the importance of Interpersonal Communication, it is always taken for granted and never given much importance. It must be taken into account that all aspects of Interpersonal Communication play a very important role during communicating. If the aspects involved are employed in the right way, there wouldnââ¬â¢t be any problem when one wishes to share his or her ideas to those he or she is communicating with. Among all aspects, Proxemics, which is defined as the spatial separation in relation to both the social and physical environment, plays a very significant role in interpersonal communication (Darn, 2005). Depending on the distance of the speaker from his audience, if one has an unnecessary big amount of space between them which also depends on how many people there are in oneââ¬â¢s audience, then, one might experience communication problems. If a group of people were to meet a person who keeps his distance, probably what comes first to their mind is that he is hesitating. A lot of other aspects of interpersonal communication follow Proxemics. If he is hesitant to keep a closer distance, then there is a possibility that he will not be making much eye contact, he would have mannerisms like tapping his feet or finger drumming, or maybe he would be speaking in a much lower voice which would be a great problem given the circumstance that he is keeping his distance or appearing to be somewhat aloof. Proxemics is the first sign one sees in a person who appears to be shy in speaking his mind. It is an aspect that should definitely be improved because it leads to far other more important parts of interpersonal communication. Indeed, first impression is significant. Even if one tries to give out the point he or she wishes to deliver, he or she may find it difficult to achieve because they may find him or her to be boring or uninteresting speaker. Proxemics should be an aspect a person gives great importance to. Uncertain Reduction Theory and Impression Formation Theory Uncertain Reduction Theory, or simply URT, is the way a person acts to reduce the uncertainty he or she has towards a person (Berger and Calabrese as cited in Uncertain Reduction Theory, 2002). This is mostly common with people who do not know much about each other, or who have just met. Of course, nobody wants to be awkward around other people, therefore he or she is trying to find ways to get more information from them. Normally, one starts to ask certain questions such as other peopleââ¬â¢s name, age, birth date, where they live, etc. then in the long run, when an individual and the people he interacts with already feel comfortable enough to talk about more personal things like beliefs, opinions, etc. t then gives an individual a chance to know other person better. On the other hand, Impression Formation is the way an individual puts information together about a certain person he or she is getting to know about, trying to come up or figure out what personality the other person possesses. The attitude the other person has, the information one might possibly gain out of talking to him, putting these together gives one an overview of how the person might actually be, without the need to know entirely everything about the person. Based on the researches made, URT and Information Formation go hand in hand. Initially, when one meets someone for the first time, he or she goes through the process of getting to know the other person better so the communication would be easier and without less tension. Without the need of getting the other personââ¬â¢s whole background information and merely basing the facts from the questions and small details drawn from a person, it would be of great help on how one should be acting towards the person. Then, after getting to know the person, one tries to put them all together, trying to come up with a main thought that would best describe the person one is dealing with. An individual tries to analyze what there is in that particular person, so that just like that in URT, he or she can act accordingly. One can adapt to his personality in some way, without having to guess or assume the wrong on the personality of the person. Without the help of these theories, it may result to communication problems between an individual and a particular type of audience. For example, you did not consider the possibility that the other person is shy and you completely have no idea whatsoever about the mode of speaking the other person has that when he or she later makes a conversation that may be hard to discern, you would probably end up getting annoyed, bored, and create a bad impression against him or her given that you didnââ¬â¢t see that fact coming. You might even act inappropriately towards that person. Knowing the people you encounter, especially in businesses, is of great importance, even if it only a first impression. At least you have an idea on how you get along with a particular type of person Symbolic Interaction Theory Symbolic Interactionism, as conceptualized by Herbert Blumer, is the process of interaction in the formation of meanings (Nelson, 1998). It is the way we understand what a person wishes to say depending on the meaning he gives to a certain word or symbol. It does not mean that the way he defines a certain word or thought would be the same as we perceive it to be. However, through interactions, there is a possibility than we can understand clearly what he wishes to say. Based on Nelsonââ¬â¢s term paper, Symbolic Interactionism plays a very strong role in communication. In her paper, she used her own experience to apply the theory of symbolic interaction. Her mode of communication was E-mail. And because communication only took place over the web as compared to talking on the phone where at least one could hear the tone of the voice of the person, she found out that it was a great effect in their misunderstanding. What she meant for a certain word was defined differently for the other person. She only perceived what she believes to be the meaning for the certain symbols, ignoring the fact that it may mean different to the other person. Through symbolic interaction, we can determine what a person really tends to say. We do not assume what he has in mind but instead, we try to connect their way of defining them to the way we perceive the way we understand it. Therefore, it plays a very vital role in interpersonal communication. People should be more attentive to the way a person acts or responds. They should pay attention to the aspects of interpersonal communication. Through these aspects, you can somehow determine what message a person really means to impart, most especially in the tone of the voice because you can somehow understand what he really intends to say basing from it. All aspects should be taken into consideration, to make interpersonal communication effective. Conclusionà Learning the aspects of good interpersonal communication is very important especially in the business industry, where you constantly have to talk to a lot of different people every time By understanding these, you will see how it will make a big improvement on the way you talk in front of an audience because not only the words that come out of your mouth are enough. Even if you have a strong point you wish to share with your audience, lacking the important aspects of interpersonal communication would definitely affect the people who you wish to interact with.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
EcoRes is an independent project designed to reach the goal of energy saving in student accommodation sectors
The object of Eco-Res project is to achieve a goal of energy saving in five years by taking technology measures in student accommodation. This technology management report will give a roadmap of where the future of Eco-Res project lie. The following parts will be included in this report: â⬠¢ Current technology solutions in the energy saving area. â⬠¢ How to make changes happen? The key drivers in the change management. â⬠¢ What factors might stop in the process of Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Different types of changes and how to achieve them. â⬠¢ The main risks might exist in Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Some strategy recommendations and other related information. Overview of technology roadmap for the next 5 years Currently, the energy usage in University mainly depend on the traditional energy source. For next 5 years, these goals should be achieved: â⬠¢ Reduce energy consumption by students and staff living on campus by 30% over the next five years. â⬠¢ Make additional savings greater than investment to develop further environmental activities over time. 1. Technology solution indicating leader or technology follower Eco-Res is an independent project designed to reach the goal of energy saving in student accommodation sectors. Technology solutions applied in Eco-Res project should enable students and staff who reside on campus to monitor and reduce their residential usage. In order to achieve the target of energy saving, some renewable energy technology should be used in Eco-Res project. Considerable technology solutions are listed below. Solar photovoltaic technology converts solar radiation into electricity, and in this way, solar photovoltaic system can produce energy for daily life usage. Solar thermal technology mainly collect the heat from the Sun by solar collectors, and transfer heat by hot water. Solar power is a kind of green energy which can be installed easily and widely in student accommodation. Wind power can be utilized by wind turbine. A wind turbine plays a role of converting wind energy into mechanical energy. Different type of wind turbine can be used according to different circumstances. Another technology solution is LED installation. By installing LED lights, a large amount of energy bills can be saved. Cycle by cycle laundry equipment could also be considered as a technology solution. Biomass is another technology solution can be considered. Biomass can either be used directed or convert into other energy forms. Garbage, wood, waste, landfill gases and alcohol fuels are the main resources of biomass. 1. Type of change management required ââ¬â key drivers This section will summarize the most important drivers of change management. In Eco-Res project, the main change management drivers lie in strategic change, technology change, change forces and human resource. Figure Nature of change (Balogun and Hope Hailey,1999) This picture shows the type of change model. From the aspect of Eco-Res project, the main drivers of this technology change are increasing desire of energy (Incremental) and low energy efficiency (Transformation), therefore, Eco-Res project is an evolution. Staffordshire University, adapted from Balogun and Hope Hailey,1999, Exploring Strategic Change, Prentice Hall. C:UserssdzhangweiDesktopQQà ¦Ã ªÃ ¥Ã ¾20141228200251.png Source: adapted from Johnson & Scholes, 1999, Exploring Corporate Strategy, p.511 From the change style model produced by Johnson & Scholes (1999), the Eco-Res needs transformational change, therefore, the direction style strategic should be applied to the project. The key driver to this change management is the ââ¬Å"use of authority to set direction and means of changeâ⬠. Morgen Witzel (2003). Fifty key figures in management. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-36977-0p.96. In technology change, it will be very necessary to respond to change according to Mousetrap Theory. According to the functional theory of Henri Fayol (Morgen Witzel, 2003), in technology change management, there were planning, organizing, commanding, co-ordinating and controlling. In technology management today, there should also have forecasting. By applying the functional theory to Eco-Res project, the key drivers can be summarized as follow: â⬠¢ Make a complete project plan for recommended technology solutions in Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Appropriate organization of Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Make a Gantt chart of Eco-Res project to command it. â⬠¢ Arrange different specialized people on different role in Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ By setting up milestones in the project plan to control the process. â⬠¢ Get to know the future of the technology solutions applied in Eco-Res project. 1958 ââ¬â J. March & H Simon organisations (New York, John Wiles & Sons, 1958) From the respect of internal pressures, Eco-Res project need to fulfil the requirements of energy saving raised up by stakeholders. From the respect of external pressures, more and more benefits of renewable energy appeared recent years. For example, government supports and marketing benefits. Market pull and technology push like renewable technology becoming more important in energy market and more and more renewable energy can be realized in daily life are the promotion elements of Eco-Res project. From the perspective of human resource in managing change, different role plays different part in the change management. First of all, as the change agent in Eco-Res project, this entity should made a long-term strategic plan for this project. As the strategic leadership in Eco-Res project, this role should ensure every process of the project going well to achieve the goal of energy saving. As middle managers, these people contribute to Eco-Res project as gate players. The middle managers should convey the view from the top manager and reflect the feedbacks from the lower managers, and they also control the implementation of Eco-Res project. 3. Resistance to change Common reasons for resistance Topic Reasoning Self-interest For students themselves, Eco-Res project do not provide direct benefits. Disagreement Do not trust Eco-Res project can achieve the goal of energy saving. On the other hand, students may think too much time and money will be spent on this project. Remuneration Through the period of Eco-Res project, the reward of work may change, but because of the contract, the remuneration will not change, therefore, staff involved in this project may not satisfied with this. Fear New technology may exist some risks during installation and usage. Misunderstanding The target of Eco-Res project may not be expressed clearly. Habit Students and staff live on campus may like to stick to traditional habit, and refuse to involve in Eco-Res project. Culture People from different cultural background may have different view of energy saving. Indifference Not all students and staff concern about environmental problem. Forcefield Analysis (Lewin, 1951) Organizational resistance Topic Reasoning Existing Structure Hierarchical and flattened relationship as an existing structure may make things more difficult in new technology management. Power Bases Specific power bases are necessary like budget controls, autocratic or not and stakeholder mapping. Culture Different ways of dealing with different technology management. Planning Technology roadmap including mission, vision, forecast, firefighting, reactive, resources and rewards made specifically for Eco-Res project is necessary. Training Staff involved in Eco-Res project should be trained before the start point. Resources Human resources and material resources should be considered properly. Incentives Too much or too little incentives will be the resistance element in Eco-Res project. Proper incentives can inspire staff work harder. History There were some energy saving project before Eco-Res project, and there also exists some traditional solutions may affect the innovation in Eco-Res project. Cultural Web (Johnson et al, 2005) Lewin K. (1951) ââ¬ËField Theory in Social Science', Harper and Row, New York. 4. Hard and/or Soft system changes In hard system changes, there are different technology solutions and installation of the renewable energy equipment. In soft system changes, the main point is cultural change of the organization. From the culture web of organization (Johnson et al, 2005) Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005) ââ¬ËExploring Corporate Strategyââ¬â¢, Prentice-Hall,Harlow. C:UserssdzhangweiDesktopQQà ¦Ã ªÃ ¥Ã ¾20141230043225.png 5. Major risks or downsides for the initiative Risk spreadsheet Risk likelihood impact Mitigation options Wrong estimation of the process duration medium large Keep working on the wrong estimation process and get another independent process begin at the same time. Underproduction of the energy saving projectââ¬â¢s task medium large Increase duration of the task and rearrange the project process arrangement. Cost overspend (variable components prices) large large Look for other investors and build cooperation, or negotiate more investment from existed investors. Decrease of government subsidization medium small Increase the efficient of the energy saving project to save cost. Equipment failure in usage medium Medium-large Establish maintenance team and fix the equipment immediately. Variables of weather Medium large Backup the electricity usage by using existing grid to power up. Failure of installation of facilities Reference Market strategy for Eco-Res solution Executive Summary This report proposed a market strategy to promote and encourage use of the Eco-Res solution by University students living on campus. 1. Market research The purposes of Eco-Res project market research are identified as: â⬠¢ Get to know the attitudes of students and staff on campus towards Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Determine promising students and target markets (on campus) for Eco-Res project. â⬠¢ Help make market segmentation by doing a survey about how students behave to achieve energy saving. â⬠¢ Recommend a most acceptable renewable energy technology from the market research, and also investigate an acceptable cost for Eco-Res project. Both Internet-based and mail-based surveys were implemented to assess the awareness and attitudes of students and staff on campus towards emerging renewable technologies. And the methodology of the Eco-Res market research is: â⬠¢ Aim at students and staff live on campus. â⬠¢ Developmentally market researches should be designed to determine the target market more accurately. The overall key findings of the present market researches are: â⬠¢ Most students and staff who participated in the market researches are quite concerned with energy saving, and they think more improvement of energy saving should be made in the University of York. â⬠¢ Solar PV is the most acceptable technology in energy saving area. â⬠¢ As for daily life behaviour, most students and staff have more or less energy saving habits. The gaps of present market researches are: â⬠¢ The most questions in the questionnaires are about the general awareness of energy saving, further investment about Eco-Res project should be done. â⬠¢ Researches about personal and general information about students should be done to get to know the customers of Eco-Res project better. 1. Motivation theory To make students and staff living on campus get involved in Eco-Res project, some motivation theories should be applied to increase the amount of participation. Maslow ââ¬â Hierarchy of Needs A combination of Maslow-Hierarchy of Needs model and Self-Efficacy theory could be applied to Eco-Res project, specifically, the esteem and actualization part could be combined with the Self-Efficacy theory. Eco-Res project fulfil the requirement of energy, therefore, the physical stage has been achieved. The energy usage in daily life can be guaranteed in Eco-Res project. Safety as a basic requirement in energy usage can also be a fundamental assurance. In the aspect of Love/Belonging, an association of Eco-Res project can be established to make students aware of their contribution to school energy saving. By involving in this visible association, a feeling of belonging is growing, and Eco-Res project will not just a school project. The combination part is the most import part in motivating students and staff. In order to let students feel respected, every student involved in Eco-Res project should be connected by email and text, and special services for membership should be established. Different school events like renewable energy introduction and practice of installing renewable energy equipment should be held. By these kind experiences, students on campus will get the meaning of Eco-Res project. Elective courses can be set up to coach students in behaviours of energy saving in daily life and also introduce the value of Eco-Res project. At the same time, speeches about energy saving or some green topic speech competition can be held in order to increase the concern of energy saving between students. Bandura ââ¬â Self-Efficacy Theory Ajzen ââ¬â Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1985) From the model of Planed Behaviour theory, it can be proven that a complete plan of Eco-Res project is very important. By providing a specific progress to students on campus, the feeling of everything is under control can be established. c. Market segmentation Marketing is the heart of a successful technology project like Eco-Res project. In order to convey the information efficiently and effectively, a considerable way is based on marketing segmentation. Market segmentation is defined as ââ¬Å"dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviour and who might require separate products or marketing mixesâ⬠(Armstrong. G. and Kotler. P. 2005). There are many different ways to divide market, and the Determinants of Consumer Behaviour model (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008) could be referenced for market segmentation. From the perspective of behavioural segmentation, a survey about Eco-Res project produced by Rachel Bate showed that most students and staff on campus have the habit of saving energy. The Defra research (James Murray, 2008) could be a reference for Eco-Res project marketing segmentation, and the Defra research produced a great method of dividing behavioural segmentation. However, different level of concern lead to different frequency of behaviour. The types of consumer behaviour (Doyle and Stern, 2006) showed the theory support of behavioural segmentation. Therefore, the target group in behavioural segmentation first comes to students and staff who have very good energy saving habits. Students and staff who are not concerned about energy saving could be the emphasis of promotion. C:UserssdzhangweiDesktopmotivation.png Types of Consumer Behavior (Doyle and Stern, 2006) Students and staff from different economic circumstances could also be a way of segmentation. People from low-income household may value more about energy saving, since Eco-Res project could bring a great saving of energy bills. However, in Eco-Res project, there may exist cost to get involved in this project. Students and staff from higher income family also have a tendency to join Eco-Res project considering the cost and benefit from this project. Therefore, an appropriate cost for Eco-Res project and an announcement of the money could be saved from this project are required. In the aspect of demographic segmentation, students and staff may have different view of Eco-Res project because of different age, occupations and educational levels. A market research from group 6 showed that people who have higher educational levels concern more about energy saving. A deeper market research should be made to show how age and occupations affect peopleââ¬â¢s tendency to take part in Eco-Res project. This research could also include survey about students from different countries and different colleges. In this way, the demographic segmentation could combine with geographic segmentation. For example, if the market research shows that both postgraduate students and students from other countries concern a lot about energy saving, then the Wentworth College could become a target market. d. The marketing mix The 4 Ps Marketing Mix (McCarthy, 1960) comprises: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. The classic elements offer a useful matrix to assess Eco-Res project. Eco-Res initiatives should address each of the 4Ps. While Eco-Res project do not control the technology and installation, the success of this project is only linked to the success of getting students and staff involving into this project. The most important goal of this marketing strategy is building a strong customer base for renewable energy technology usage in their dormitories. The 4Ps of Eco-Res project are defined as below. For marketing purposes, Eco-Res project can evaluate the product from the perspective of consumersââ¬â¢ rational and emotional attitudes towards energy saving. These attitudes affect the desire to get involved in this project. The brand name is Eco-Res, and the value of this project is to save energy and develop more environmental friendly projects. In Ansoff Matrix model, Eco-Res project in the University of York belongs to product development. In product development, Eco-Res project should develop plans to fulfil the target market segments. In order to build a sustaining Picture Ansoff Matrix (Ansoff, 1957) brand for Eco-Res project, the value of energy saving in this project should be showed to appeal the target students and staff who are interested in energy saving in the behavioural segmentation. In order to express Eco-Res project better, a logo was designed as follow. C:UserssdzhangweiDesktoplogo.png Picture logo Price is one of the biggest barriers to growing the energy saving marketing, and Eco-Res project should be addressed to help overcome customer price concerns. Eco-Res project has a merit of saving the energy bills for students and school, which could make accommodation fee per week cheaper compared with non-Eco-Res buildings. Different prices should be developed to appeal to students and staff in different economic circumstances. For example, customers can choose the LED installation plan only or both LED installation plan and solar PV installation plan. Different choices come with different prices, and a list of cost and maintenance fee should be produced. Place should be considered through the building of a strong supplier network. This supplier network should ensure students can easily find different part of Eco-Res project. In other words, this project should be visible. In place strategy, Eco-Res project can use website, referral systems and fixed places in target colleges. An Eco-Res project website should be established to help students and staff on campus know the Eco-Res solution better. A general introduction about Eco-Res, the benefits of Eco-Res and the way to get involved in Eco-Res should be showed on the website. Another way of place strategy is by email. In target colleges which showed large interest in Eco-Res project from market research, messages about Eco-Res should be emailed to the students and staff in these colleges. Referral and information desks should also be set in these targeted colleges. Promotion behaviour of Eco-Res project should be presented to ensure the right messages are conveyed. Exhibitions about Eco-Res project can be held in these targeted colleges, and at the same time, direct advertising by post or door-drop could be down. Social media (like Twitter and Facebook etc.) promotion between students and staff is also necessary. On school journals in University of York, the accurate target and value of Eco-Res project should be introduced.
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